Since its launch in the UK in 2022, evidence is showing that the most recently developed strangles vaccine is as safe and effective as early trials indicated (Robinson et al, 2020). The vaccine offers...
Equine asthma is characterised by airway inflammation and hyper-reactivity with a combined environmental and immunological aetiology. The lower airways are exposed to a triggering agent, such as dust,...
Depending on the relationship between the donor and the recipient, the stem cell source can be classified as autologous, allogeneic or xenogeneic (Food and Drug Administration, 2015). Isolation and...
Ultrasonographic examination is indicated in the investigation of suspected respiratory disease in foals and horses. Clinical findings which might prompt ultrasound investigation would include dull...
R.equi is commonly found in the faeces of adult horses and is therefore impossible to eliminate from the environment of mares and foals. Despite the widespread presence of R.equi in the environment,...
It is generally not possible to avoid the exposure of horses to forage at some point of the year, and forage is constantly within the breathing zone when fed, irrespective of how well ventilated a...
As stated previously, environmental organic dust exposure, predominantly from the stable environment and from sources of feed, is a major inciting cause of the immunological response associated with...
This occurs when the aryepiglottic membrane envelopes the rostral aspect of the epiglottis (Figure 1). The treatment for this is to transect the membrane to release the entrapped epiglottis; there are...
Ultrasound examination is indicated in the investigation of suspected respiratory disease in foals and horses. Clinical findings that might prompt ultrasound investigation include dull lung sounds...
Environmental management is a fundamental requirement for all horses with equine asthma, irrespective of severity. Failure to address the underlying airway insult by reducing specific and non-specific...