Use of thoracic ultrasound to investigate respiratory disease: an update
Ultrasonographic examination of the adult or foal thorax can be used to identify both pleural and parenchymal lesions. Whilst perhaps most useful for the identification, quantification and characterisation of pleural fluid, abnormalities within the pulmonary parenchyma can be visualised as long as the lesion is peripheral enough to result in a lack of aeration of the normal visceral pleural surface. Ultrasonographic examination is indicated in the investigation of suspected respiratory disease in foals and horses. In animals with suspected intrathoracic disease, ultrasound can be used to identify pleural effusion, pneumothorax, rib fractures, pulmonary parenchymal disease, diaphragmatic hernias and other miscellaneous conditions.
Ultrasound of the thorax has been utilised for several decades to investigate suspected respiratory disease in foals and adult horses. In comparison with radiography (especially of adult horses), ultrasound of the thorax can be performed in both an ambulatory and hospital setting. Initial screening can typically be performed with equipment readily available to most equine practitioners, with more advanced, follow up imaging performed using more specialised equipment as required. In horses with suspected intrathoracic disease, ultrasound can be used to identify:
Ultrasonographic examination is indicated in the investigation of suspected respiratory disease in foals and horses. Clinical findings which might prompt ultrasound investigation would include dull lung sounds ventrally (suggestive of pleural effusion), dull lung sounds dorsally (suggestive of pneumothorax) and fever and so called ‘large airway’ sounds (suggestive of pneumonia). In horses and foals with suspected thoracic trauma, ultrasound can be very useful to identify fractured ribs and haemo- or pneumothorax.
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