Celebrating Veterinary Nursing Awareness Month

02 May 2023
2 mins read
Volume 7 · Issue 3

May is always an exciting month in the veterinary nursing calendar, as it marks a month of celebration of the veterinary nursing role through the British Veterinary Nursing Association's (BVNA) Veterinary Nursing Awareness Month. This was originally started by the BVNA in 2005 as the National Veterinary Nurse Day campaign, and since 2012, the campaign has taken place throughout the month of May every year. The purpose of Veterinary Nursing Awareness Month is to spread the word to the veterinary profession and animal owners about the important role of the veterinary nurse, and the provision of responsible animal care to the general public.

The theme for this year is ‘empowerment’, which is topical with the BVNA's ‘Protect the title’ campaign and the British Equine Veterinary Association (BEVA) Equine Nurse Committee working on Schedule 3 Guidelines for equine veterinary nurses. There is no better time to celebrate the role of veterinary nurses in practice and to start to educate the public about this essential role.

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