The equine veterinary nurse in 2023 – exciting times ahead!

02 January 2023
2 mins read
Volume 7 · Issue 1

Being an equine Registered Veterinary Nurse (RVN) is the best job in the world! I may be a little biased, but I firmly stand by this statement. The equine RVN profession is still a young one, with the first equine veterinary nurses qualifying in the year 2000. However, we have seen a lot of change since then, most notably the introduction of the Royal Charter in 2015 and the statutory regulation of RVNs by the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons.

It has not been an easy ride for equine RVNs, and we often end up feeling overlooked or forgotten about as a result of our low numbers and lack of exposure, compared to our small animal veterinary nursing colleagues. We are, however, resilient, and adaptable in nature and this is evident in the ever-growing number of knowledgeable, experienced, and forward-thinking equine RVNs that make up the profession today. The year 2023 is looking to be an exciting one for equine RVNs. The British Equine Veterinary Association (BEVA) has set up an Equine Veterinary Nursing Committee made up of nine equine RVNs, and I have the honor of chairing this committee. It is wonderful to have the support of BEVA who are extremely keen to develop the role of the equine veterinary nurse and push the profession forwards.

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