Novel developments in equine asthma

Equine asthma is characterised by airway inflammation and hyper-reactivity with a combined environmental and immunological aetiology. The lower airways are exposed to a triggering agent, such as dust,...

Equine asthma: managing the environment

It is generally not possible to avoid the exposure of horses to forage at some point of the year, and forage is constantly within the breathing zone when fed, irrespective of how well ventilated a...

Equine asthma syndrome: managing the environment

As stated previously, environmental organic dust exposure, predominantly from the stable environment and from sources of feed, is a major inciting cause of the immunological response associated with...

Embracing the Cascade part 3: clinical decision making in equine asthma

Environmental management is a fundamental requirement for all horses with equine asthma, irrespective of severity. Failure to address the underlying airway insult by reducing specific and non-specific...