The practical CPD journal for equine vets

UK-VET Equine is the leading peer-reviewed journal for specialist equine vets and vet nurses. It provides an evidence base for clinical practice and a platform for continuing professional development, to help you improve patient outcomes.

Dental Update Journal Covers


CPD with UK-VET Equine

Our reflective modules are drawn from our clinical archive and include certification, to test your knowledge and fulfil your CPD requirements.


Current and back issues

UK-VET Equine is published online bi-monthly, and provides an archive of back issues dating back to 2017.

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Worming in the modern age

As we settle into the new year, many horse owners will be required to worm their horses in line with their yard schedule – often, this involves horses being chemically wormed regularly, regardless of...

Why choose UK Vet Equine?

UK-VET Equine supports veterinary professionals by sharing peer-reviewed expertise and advice to help you build confidence, grow professionally and improve care.

Whats included

  • Evidence-based best practice

  • Practical guidance

  • Peer-reviewed research

  • CPD support

Subscriptions start

From £18 GBP