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Diagnosis and management of traumatic equine fractures: an update

02 May 2023
12 mins read
Volume 7 · Issue 3
Figure 8. Typically ‘dropped elbow’ appearance of an olecranon fracture, the horse is unable to extend the elbow and carpus. There is moderate soft tissue swelling of the elbow.
Figure 8. Typically ‘dropped elbow’ appearance of an olecranon fracture, the horse is unable to extend the elbow and carpus. There is moderate soft tissue swelling of the elbow.


For the most part, equine fractures can be divided into those of traumatic origin and those caused by repetitive stress. This article focuses on the diagnosis and management of the more commonly encountered traumatic fractures.

There are a number of equine fractures that may be encountered in practice and that equine practitioners should be able to diagnose and manage with confidence in the field. These can largely be divided into three categories: traumatic fractures, pathological fractures and those that occur as a result of repetitive stress-related pathology. Donati et al (2018) studied a population of 499 equids with fractures resulting from known kick injuries. The 2nd and 4th metacarpal/tarsal (splint) bones were affected most frequently (15%), followed by the radius and ulna (13.8% each), the tibia (12.2%) and the head (12%). Other commonly encountered sites of traumatic fractures include the distal phalanx. Sites of repetitive stress fractures include the pelvis, the condyles of the 3rd metacarpal bone and proximal phalanx. Pathological fractures may occur secondary to neoplasia or osteomyelitis. This article will focus on the diagnosis and management of traumatic fractures.

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