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Effect of temperament on recovery in isoflurane-anaesthetised horses

02 July 2021
11 mins read
Volume 5 · Issue 4
Figure 3. The simple descriptive scale for scoring recovery (R1)
Figure 3. The simple descriptive scale for scoring recovery (R1)



Recovery is a crucial phase of equine anaesthesia and factors influencing recovery quality are an active area of research.


To investigate the effect of temperament on recovery score after isoflurane-anaesthesia in 30 adult horses undergoing elective surgery.


Two veterinarians used a numerical rating scale to score each horse's response to five tests as a gauge of temperament. Owners used a numerical rating scale to score their horse's temperament according to seven behaviour-related questions. Horses underwent elective surgery under general anaesthesia using a standardised protocol. Recovery was recorded and scored by a blinded assessor using the simple descriptive scale for scoring recovery (R1) and the Edinburgh system (R2).


There was no correlation between veterinarian or owner-assessed temperament and recovery score. Veterinary-assessed temperament score was negatively correlated with pre-induction romifidine and total romifidine dose. Both recovery scores were negatively correlated with anaesthetic duration and R1 was positively correlated with time to first movement in recovery.


Temperament did not influence recovery score in our population of horses.

Equine peri-anaesthetic mortality is reported to be between 0.12 and 0.9% in horses undergoing elective procedures (Bidwell et al, 2007; Dugdale et al, 2016). While the overall peri-anaesthetic mortality rate has changed very little over the last 20 years, intra-operative mortalities attributable to cardiac arrest have significantly decreased, possibly as a result of the replacement of halothane with agents less depressant to the cardiovascular system (Dugdale et al, 2016). Peri-anaesthetic mortality occurs most frequently in the recovery period, which is one of the least controllable periods (Bidwell et al, 2007; Dugdale et al, 2016). During recovery, fractures and dislocations have reportedly been responsible for 71% of all anaesthesia-related fatalities (Young and Taylor, 1993; Bidwell et al, 2007; Dugdale et al, 2016). Furthermore, poor recovery quality is known to increase the risk of peri-anaesthetic mortality (Laurenza et al, 2020). Factors known to influence recovery include:

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