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Optimising the welfare of equids on box rest: thinking outside the box

02 November 2022
15 mins read
Volume 6 · Issue 6


Restriction of equids to a stable for box rest is advisable for the management of acute physiological conditions. Confinement to a single stable is not an optimal environment for a horse and can create frustration and the expression of abnormal behaviours, which can indicate a reduced welfare state. Expression of aggression towards handlers or rebound behaviours when released from the stable can be a safety concern for handlers and gives the potential for reinjury. By reviewing the literature, we can consider what aspects of the environment can be adjusted to allow optimal expression of natural behaviour within the stable, subsequently reducing frustration and stress which will improve the welfare of the equine on box rest and potentially improve the safety of handlers.

Restricting horses, mules and donkeys to box rest may be advised by veterinarians to manage acute physiological conditions and to facilitate diet restrictions. Restriction of movement is advised for wound healing, strained tendon recovery (Gillis, 1997) and is often used to manage acute laminitic episodes (Mitchell et al, 2015). Managing equines prone to laminitis frequently involves restricted forage intake (Mitchell et al, 2015) and this can result in inadvertent restriction of movement and social interactions. The long term recovery of the equine and its chance to return to previous levels of work is improved if the healing is optimised (Gillis, 1997), thereby protecting the horse's future.

Given the necessity to restrict horses for these reasons, it is important to consider the psychological impact of restriction to a stable on the horse, as well as the effect this can have on the behaviour of a horse on box rest. The author has reviewed the literature using the search engines Research Gate and Google Scholar. The initial search was for research related to management of equines in single housing, stereotypical occurrences related to management and effect of environment on equine behaviour. This initial review led to further searches into specific management factors that had been identified across multiple studies, which affected the occurrence of behaviours considered to be indicators of stress or poor welfare. Where a study had small numbers of study animals, further literature associated with that study area was sought to consider supporting or contradicting evidence. This contributed to identifying factors that can speed up recovery and improve the welfare of equids that are restricted during a period of treatment.

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